- Resolution 25-01 Reviewing and Establishing Reserve Funds as Specified
- Resolution 24-12 Master Fee Schedule 2024
- Signed Resolution 24-11 Adjust Accounts Receivable to Reflect Certain Uncollectable Utility Accounts
- Resolution 24-10 Supporting Special Districts
- Resolution 24-09 Application with Business Oregon - SB1530 Grant
- Resolution 24-08 City's Participation with LOC in Free Legal Advice Program
- Resolution 24-07 SCA Grant FY 24-25 NE Main Ave. Sidewalk Phase 1 Project
- Resolution 24-06 Adopting the FY24-25 Budget, Imposing Tax
- Resolution 24-05 Declaration for City Election to Receive State Revenues
- Resolution 24-04 Amended UEC Loan Fund-Food Pod
- Resolution 24-04 UEC Revolving Loan Program-Food Pod
- Resolution 24-03 Updating the City of Irrigon Wage Table
- Resolution 24-02 Fostering an Environment of Equality, Fairness, and Respect Policy
- Resolution 24-01 Authorizing Application to ORPRD - Splash Park
- Resolution 23-16 UEC and USDA REDLG Application
- Resolution 23-15 Supporting IRFD and Request EZ Mapping and Influence Area
- Resolution 23-14 Final Acceptance of Area 3 Sewer Conversion
- Resolution 23-13 Acceptance of Historical Utility Easement
- Resolution 23-12 Supplemental Budget FY23-24
- Resolution 23-11 Adjust AR for Uncollectable Accounts
- Resolution 23-10 Adopt and Amend Master Fee Schedule
- Resolution 23-09 Increase Solid Waste Fees
- Resolution 23-08 Declare Property Excess and Surplus
- Resolution 23-07 DLCD TA Grant Application
- Resolution 23-06 Application for the 2023-24 SCA Grant Program
- Resolution 23-05 Adopting the FY23-24 Budget 6.20.23
- Resolution 23-04 Declaration for City Election to Receive State Revenues
- Resolution 23-03 Updating Irrigon Wage Table
- Resolution 23-02 OLCC Application Approval Process
- Resolution 23-01 Variance from Historical Policy for Infrastructure Improvements
- Resolution 22-12-Master-Fee-Schedule-2023
- Resolution 22-11 Amending Irrigon Housing Incentive Program
- Resolution 22-09 Amending Specific City Projects for Irrigon Housing Program
- Resolution 22-08 Authorizing Morrow County to invest City Funds Fiscal year 2023
- Resolution 22-07 Adopting 2022-2023 Budget - Appropriations - Tax
- Resolution 22-06 Election to receive state revenues Fiscal Year 2023
- Resolution 22-05 Updating the City of Irrigon Wage Table
- Resolution 22-04 Authorizing Law Enforcement Action Between Meetings
- Resolution 22-03 Amending the designation of funds received from Columbia River Enterprise Zone (CREZ) Board
- Resolution 22-02 Increasing and Amending Loan Amount of DEQ CWSRF
- Resolution 22-1 Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Revising Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
- Resolution 21-19 Master Fee Schedule
- Resolution 21-18 Exercising the Power of Eminent Domain Right of Way Services
- Resolution 21-17 Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Revising Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
- Resolution 21-16 Authorizing the City's Participation in the League of Oregon Cities' Legal Advice Program
- Resolution 21-15 Making Application for the 2021-22 Special City Allocation (SCA) Grant Program SE Greenwood Street Project
- Resolution 21-14 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Columbia River Enterprize Zone III Sponsors and the City of Irrigon
- Resolution 21-13 Notice of Final Acceptance for the Septic Conversion Project-Areas 1 and 2
- Resolution 21-12 Declaring an Economic, Mental Health, and Criminal Activity Crisis Due to the Current COVID-Related Stae Emergency Declaration and Relating OSHA Mandates and Guidance
- Resolution 21-11 Authorizing the Morrow County Treasurer to Invest City Funds
- Resolution 21-10 Declaring the City's Election to Receive State Revenues
- Resolution 21-09 Adopting the 2021-2022 Budget, Making Appropriations, Imposing the Tax and Categorizing the Tax
- Resolution 21-08 Amending and Increasing the Loan Agreement, R47743, from the DEQ Clean Water State Revolving Loan
- Resolution 21-07 Updating the City of Irrigon's Wage Table
- Resolution 21-06 Authorizing Credit Card Holders and City Manager Spending Authority
- Resolution 21-04 Specific City Sponsored Project within the Housing Incentive Program
- Resolution 21-03 Implementing Written Policies and Procedures for Cybersecurity Protection
- Resolution 21-02 To Revise the Written Policies and Procedures for Identity Theft Prevention and Identity
- Resolution 21-01 Intent to Initiate Riviera LID
- Resolution 20-12 Adopting and Amending the Master Fee Schedule
- Resolution 20-11 Recognizing and Unforeseen Grant and Increasing Appropriations in the 2020-2021 Budget
- Resolution 20-10 Declaring Certain Property Owner by the City of Irrigon, Morrow County, Oregon, as Surplus Property and Deed to Morrow County
- Resolution 20-09 Declaring the Month of September as Home Inventory and Preparedness Month
- Resolution 20-08 CRF Funds
- Resolution 20-07 Making Applicatiion for the 2020-21 Special City Allocation Grant
- Resolution 20-06 Making Application for the 2020-21 Safe Routes to Schools Grant
- Resolution 20-01 Designation of Funds Received from Columbia River Enterprize Zone (CREZ) Board
- Resolution 19-19 Adopting the Morrow County Housing Strategies
- Resolution 19-18 Adopting and Amending the Master Fee Schedule for Services
- Resolution 19-17 Adopting the Morrow County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Update and Incorporating Said Plan into the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Wildfire Annex
- Resolution 19-16 Abatement and Removal Order - 460 SE Division Street, Irrigon, OR
- Resolution 19-15 Adjust Accounts Receivable to Reflect Certain Uncollectable Utility accounts
- Resolution 19-14 Increasing Solid Waste Collection Fees Provided by Sanitary Disposal, INC.
- Resolution 19-13 Amending and Increasing the Loan Agreement, R47743, from the Oregon Department of Enviromental Quality (DEQ)
- Resolution 19-12 Increasing the Loan Amount from DEQ CWSRF on R47742 Agreement
- Resolution 19-11 Abatement Order - 460 SE Division Street, Irrigon, OR
- Resolution 19-10 To Revise the Section 3 Plan to Comply with 24 CFR,Part 135 of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 3
- Resolution 19-09 Authorizing the City's Participation in the League of Oregon Cities' Pilot Program Providing Limited Free Legal Advice to Oregon Cities Located in Eastern Oregon
- Resolution 19-08 Making Application for the 2019-20 Special City Allocation (SCA) Grant Program SE Idaho Ave. and SE Thirteenth Street Project
- Resolution 19-07 To Adjust Accounts Receivable to Reflect Certain Uncollectable Utility Accounts
- Resolution 19-06 Authorizing the Morrow County Treasurer to Invest City Funds
- Resolution 19-05 Declaring the City's Election to Receive State Revenues
- Resolution 19-04 Adopting the 2019-2020 Budget, Making Appropriations, Imposing the Tax and Categorizing the Tax
- Resolution 19-03 A Resolution Updating the City of Irrigon's Wage Table
- Resolution 19-02 A Resolution Authorizing the Obtaining of Loans from the Oregon Department of Enviromental Quality (DEQ) for the Pupose of the City's CBDG Sewer Conversion Project
- Resolution 19-01 Receiving Fund from Columbia River Enterprize Zone II (CREZ) Board for Housing and Community Enhancements
- Resolution 18-17 Sports Flag Interim Policy
- Resolution 18-16 Supplemental Budget FY 18-19
- Resolution 18-12B A Resolution Making Application for the 2018-19 Special City Allocation (SCA) Grant Program for SE Fourth ST Project
- Resolution 18-12A CDBG Attorney of Record
- Resolution 18-11 Updating the City of Irrigon's Wage Table
- Resolution 18-10 Authorizing the Morrow County Treasurer to Invest City Funds
- Resolution 18-09 Declaring the City's Election to Receive State Revenues
- Resolution 18-08 Adopting the 2018-2019 Budget, Making Appropriations, Imposing the Tax and Categorizing the Tax
- Resolution 18-07 Resolution Opposing Oregon Initiative Petition 43 (IP43) and Initiative Petition 44 (IP44)
- Resolution 18-06 Excessive Force Policy
- Resolution 18-05 Rate and Fee Increase Effec. 1-1-2019
- Resolution 18-04 Declaring Certain Equipment Owned By the City of Irrigon, Morrow County, Oregon, as Surplus Property and Transfer to the Irrigon Rural Fire District
- Resolution 18-03 A Resolution Adopting a Supplemental Budget and Revising Appropriations For Fiscal Year 17-18
- Resolution 18-02 Receiving Funds From Columbia River Enterprize Zone II (CREZ) Board for Housing and Community Enhancements
- Resolution 18-01 A Resolution Committing to Rate Increases to Meet Any CDBG Block Grant In-Debtedness - Sewer System Conversions and Improvements
- Resolution 17-20 Reader Board Policy
- Resolution 16-33 Transferring Appropriations to FY 16-17 Budget
- Resolution 16-32 Amend Housing Incentive and City Projects Agent of Record
- Resolution 16-31 Adopting MC Hazardous Mitigation Plan
- Resolution 16-06 User Fees